Nova Somor will debut on the international markets on the tenth anniversary of the SIAM (Salon International de l’Agriculture au Maroc), the largest agricultural fair which will take place in Meknes in Morocco from April 28th to May 3rd, 2015. The flow of visitors expected, divided between insiders and potential direct customers, is estimated at hundreds of thousands of people.
All of northern Africa and beyond participates every year to the SIAM. The special features of our thermodynamic system are ideal for tropical and sub tropical areas such as North Africa, where electricity doesn’t reach everywhere and the problem of raising water from wells is strongly felt.
The almost constant presence of sunny weather and the intense irradiation help the powerful and constant operation of our Solar Pump, which will be a major competitor of the diesel or electrical systems powered by photovoltaic panels systems. The robustness of the machine, the simplicity of use and the practically absent maintenance, further increase its competitiveness compared with other systems with similar performances.
We will be happy to welcome anyone who would like to visit us at stand A80 at the Agro-Fournitures Pole.