These days there is no device, from a smartphone to the car’s navigation system, from a construction theodolite to the on-board computer of every boat, that is not “geo-referenced”! GPS (Global Position System) is everywhere in daily technology and it really seems that one cannot do without it. Naturally, each signal receiving device from the constellation of satellites is an electrical device with its consumption.
The origin and most important use of GPS is military: it is necessary to position troops, to safely move aircraft and ships, and also to bomb. There is also a very successful kit for the retrofit of old free-falling aircraft bombs, notoriously inaccurate. The kit is called JDAM and allows you to turn an old bomb into a device that falls with deadly accuracy on the “GPS point” that is assigned to it.
Both the use of electrical energy and the dependence on a military tool could not be acceptable to NOVA SOMOR, however, the solar pump must be oriented in the best possible way in order to capture the required solar radiation. This is why our solar pumps are equipped with a sophisticated precision instrument, insensitive to electromagnetic disturbances, which does not need to be powered by electricity: the solar collimator! Following the instructions provided, just place the solar pump at the right time next to the well, or any other location where the solar pump has to work, and the ray of sunlight passing through the sight will indicate the exact orientation. Another case where an ecological, economical and extremely simple and practical solution, which harks back to the operating principle of sundials invented thousands of years ago, is a more suitable and appropriate answer rather than the sophisticated and expensive newer technologies.